Monday 22 October 2018

Fitness lifestyle

Fact about the fitness lifestyle

This is a very interesting topic that I always wanted to talk about. When we normally hear people talking about him or her having a fitness lifestyle the first thing that pops up in our mind would be that he/she must be involved in some exercise or some physical activities. But the fitness lifestyle doesn’t represent the niche people’s segment who are involved in physical fitness activities or only in sports activities.

Fitness lifestyle is the lifestyle which would reflect your personality. Fitness lifestyle can be a life that one lives by loving his/her body. Fitness lifestyle can include the healthy eating habits, drinking water, avoiding unhealthy food, involved in some activities basically we can say that it is a life where one does a different thing for overall wellness of himself/herself.
According to my experience, 30% of people are there who actually believes in fitness lifestyle especially in the country like India, Nepal or let's say on all south-east Asian countries.

It becomes very tough for people to change their eating habits and their current lifestyle which they are so adapted to, and it also becomes very tough for them to be consistent to the fitness habits like exercising, eating nutrient-rich food and being aware of the food that is harmful to our body. People just take their health for granted to be more precise.
I still remember me being involved in fitness lifestyle and how it really changed my life. The way you start seeing things are only different once you are within the boundary of fitness life. You start noticing all the commercials food like various junk food, that are available in the market, all those bottled and packet juice that contains a lot of sugar in it because you will understand the difficulties to reduce the amount of fat that you get out of it so slowly so ultimately you start getting yourself away from those things. This kind of awareness is dragging you to the fitness lifestyle. So knowingly or unknowingly you are being part of that 30% of the population who adopts the fitness lifestyle.

Fitness lifestyle comes from the awareness, its not only about getting into the shape, having a good body or being muscular, its about maturity that comes within. Its about changing yourself from what you used to be in the past. Its about adopting a life that is improvised by your own initiation and effort and when you look back at yourself it’s the thing that you can be proud of.

Here are some of my tips that can help you to live a fitness lifestyle:

1) Start loving your body.

2) Stop making a resolution about doing it next year or anything start off from tomorrow.

3) Know BMI(Body Mass Index) of your body that will help you to know the condition of your body and you can plan your fitness goal accordingly.

4) Start researching about food and nutrition I am sure if you are reading this then you are capable of researching about food and nutrition too.

5) Start drinking 3-4 liters water a day.

6) Sleep on time and sleep for at least 8 hours.

7) Make a habit of waking up early unless you are night shift worker.

8) Be consistent and patient with your body and results in it doesn't happen in a period of a month, because so far for many years you have taken your body for granted.

9) And lastly, inspire others to adopt a fitness lifestyle trust me that give yourself a push to live one.

Saturday 13 October 2018

Indian famous fitness youtubers

Some of the famous Indian Youtuber are:

  • ·      Guruman: (A U.S.A settled Indian who is a professional certified trainer as well as Nutritionist who has been making videos regarding fitness for past 5 years)
  • ·      Jeet Selal: Jeet Selal is an Australia settled Indian who also has been running the fitness channel for quite a long time.
  • ·      Rohit Khatri: Rohit Khatri is also one of the famous you-tuber with more than 2 million subscribers in you-tube has been running a fitness channel for quite a long time.
  • ·      Sahil Khan: A former Bollywood actor Sahil Khan is also one of the biggest fitness icons of India who not only is you tuber but is also an owner of the various gym. He is the owner of India’s first beach gym situated in Goa.
  • ·      Amit Pangal:  Amit Pangal is also one of the famous you-tuber who runs the channel named as Pangal Fitness which is highly followed by people with more than 500k plus subscriber.
  • ·      Sunny: Sunny is a Canada settled NRN who is been running a fitness channel name My Bollywood Body.
  •        The channel is appreciated by a lot of many Indian crowds and turns out to be one of the very best fitness channels with more than 1.5 million subscribers.
  • ·      Gaurav Taneja: Gaurav Taneja is the fitness professional who runs the fitness channel named “FitMuscle TV” with the almost 600k subscriber. Gaurav makes a lot of blogs related to the fitness industry and also is a fitness mentor to many Indian viewers.

Top fitness centres in India

Some of the fitness industry players in India are.

Snap Fitness: Snap fitness is one of the big players in the Fitness Industry in India. Started from the USA this chain entered to the Indian market at 2008 which really made a good success in the Indian market. It was a first gym where they provided 24 hours membership. It started in Bengaluru and now operates in many different places in India including Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune Lucknow, Vadodara, Guwahati Mysore, etc. Snap fitness has aimed to open more than 300 outlets in India by the end of 2018.

Anytime Fitness: Anytime fitness is the US-based fitness chain which entered the Indian market in 2012. Which operates in many different cities of India like Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Hyderabad, Gujrat etc. Currently, they have 31 open locations and by 2019 they are planning to expand to 100 clubs. Their more outlets are in Delhi India with 4 different outlets.

Chisel: Chisel is the gym that was launched with the partnership with the famous cricketer Virat Kholi. There was a huge investment made for the establishment of the gym where Virat Kholi himself made the investment of 190 crores. It started in 2015 from Bangalore with the partnership with Chisel Fitness and CSE(the agency which manages Virat Kholi). Today Chisel gym is been operated in many different major cities of India.

Talwalkars Fitness: Talwalkar's fitness is one of the biggest fitness chains in India with started in 1932 by late Mr. Vishnu Talwalkars. It is operating in 12 different states of India and is one of the very successful brands in the fitness Industry India. Today the gym has more  5,5000 members approximately.

Fitness First: Fitness First is the gym that was started in 1993 from England. It entered the Indian market at 2008 in Delhi and Mumbai. Currently, it has almost 7-8 outlets in Delhi and  4-5 outlets in Mumbai. It is also being operated in Bengaluru recently. Vikram Aditya Bhatia is the Managing Director of Fitness First believed that the expansion of the gym should be grown in a very phased manner so he is not targeting to operate 1 club per city instead is he increasing his outlets in the same cities like Delhi and Mumbai so that people can people can experience multiple sites in the city rather than having 1 gym per city.

Fitness One:  Fitness One is one of the gym clubs that are very popular in the South Side of India. It started from Alwarpet by the fitness enthusiast and a former pilot Vivekananda Palaniappan. The gym got started in 2005 in Alwarpet and is currently operating in all the south stated like Hyderabad, Bangalore, and in many different places of Tamil Naidu. The company is a very innovative company which is doing not only operating the fitness clubs but also has been working on the fitness equipment business and also “Fitness Process Outsourcing” which basically means taking the contract for gym and fitness clubs management.

 Gold’s Gym:  Gold’s Gym which is one of the famous and big chain gyms from the USA started its chapter in the Indian market starting in 2002. It was first started from Mumbai and then later expanded to many different stated of India. It almost has more than 120 outlets running altogether in India. It is one of the renowned gyms in India which not only provides the fitness facility but also provides the course of a certified trainer.

Cult Fitness: Unlike other common fitness centers and gyms this fitness center which started from Bengaluru has a very unique and different concept of fitness. This is a fitness center with no treadmills and not any fancy gym equipment’s. This gym focuses on body weight training, Marshall-Art training, Yoga and many different other activities that are normally done in the group. The trainers here are very highly professional relating to different sports and boxing. These gym doesn’t give much importance on customer care rather it focuses on the customer results. It was started by a Basketball player and a fitness enthusiast Risab Telang who learned a various form of fitness from many different countries and came up with the idea and which is one of the fastest growing fitness players in the market today.

If we try to see the fitness today in India it has come a very long-way like other major cities in India Bangalore is one of the cities where fitness priorities have gone to the next level. Fitness priorities in peoples mind have increased a lot in this city which is leading to the establishment of many fitness clubs, gyms, and various studios. Today Bangalore has been one of the cities with the opportunity to develop a career in a fitness industry. There are a lot of many big players existing in Bangalore and the competition level has gone very high. Some of the major player in Bangalore is.

Apple Fitness: Apple fitness is one of the major rulers in the fitness world of Bangalore. With more than 4 outlets in Bangalore, this fitness center has made its name very popular. It was started in 2014 and it is also one of the gyms that operate for 24 hours after snap fitness. This gym brought a concept of customer priorities by focusing on their fitness results due to which today has many members involved in its different branches. It provides all different sort of training like TRX training, Zumba classes, Functional training etc. It is located in various places of Bangalore like Jayanagar 4th T- block(The first outlet), Kalyan Nagar, New Bel Road.

Power World Gym: Power world gym the chain that started form Sri- Lanka from 1994. It was started by one of the highly knowledgeable fitness expert Talavou F. Alailima. Although this fitness chain started from Sri Lanka it has its stamp in a city like Bangalore in India with almost 15 outlets. Its outlet not only exist in Bangalore but is currently operating also in the city like Delhi, Noida
Etc. Power gym has built its name very intensively in Bangalore as it has been providing new quality equipment with a proper trainer.

Besides this there are other many local fitness centers all over India which are providing many various facilities and lot of many new gym startups are also coming up as fitness trend in Bangalore is getting very popular day after day. Not only that all those big fitness chains like Gold’s gym, Talwars fitness, Snap fitness, Chisel fitness, Cult fitness are also doing very well in Bangalore. So we can say that fitness has been booming in the city like Bangalore.

So far we got the idea about the gym centers and different fitness studios that are existing in India and Bangalore, but fitness industries opportunities just don’t limit itself here. There are many other opportunities that we have related to this industry like organic food sales, gym wear, gym equipment’s seller, Nutrition consultant, nutritional supplement selling, freelancing personal training, making videos in You tube as we can see a lot of you tubers making a video on fitness and nutrition claiming to make India fit.

Expansion of the Fitness Industry in India

Expansion of the Fitness Industry in India

Fitness is one the significant aspects of all human beings considering from lower class to upper class. It has always been a priority to the people directly or indirectly. By mentioning fitness here I am not only trying to cover the part of the physical exercise or only performing heavy weight training by going to the gym, by fitness priorities I mean to cover overall wellness of the people including the nutrition consumption, exercise, meditation, different aerobic exercise etc. Everything that relates to the overall well-being of the people that helps in maintaining the sound peace of mind with both physical and mental exercise. Eating healthy food and performing exercise has been a very challenging thing to do in these modern rush life but people somehow indulge in it. In the modern days, fitness has become a very monumental word to the people in all over the world as the availability of organic food is less and the consumption of the food like junk food, hybrid food, usage of pesticides in the food has been increased.

From young to adult and from adult to old age people in India are going through the problem of obesity, due to which fitness has become the important priority to the people in order to maintain the physical and mental wellness. Fitness has evolved rapidly in India starting with the major consciousness in the health.

India’s fitness history is very interesting as the fitness as evolved from local “akharas”  to a proper professional gym as the foreign countries are having.
India being an agricultural countrymen use to get fit by working on the farm so they use to make them physically fit by burning a lot of calories in the sun. This sort of fit farmers was also chosen for the soldiers back in the times. Festival and rituals also use to make Indians travel through much long distance where people use to build up a lot of stamina back.

The maximum demand for the fitness industry is happening in the major city of India like Bangalore, Delhi, Mumbai along with major startup related in the fitness industry. This fitness enthusiasm is not only limited to the youngsters now, but it has been given priority by the mid-age people as well as housewives as the problem of diabetes and obesity is been increasing in people. People are trying to stay healthy and fit from all the way they can to maintain themselves in this busy and hectic life.

If we talk about the ongoing modern days in Indian fitness it's not only about the problem of obesity and health issues, different influence of western culture to the youth a has compelled them to go to the gym to stay on the proper shape and have a good body physique. The movie industry has also a very huge role in fitness rise in India. Now days if we see the movies we can see most of the actors and actress are coming up with the very good shape of their body due to which the youth these days want to look alike them, due to all these factors fitness has become a kind of trend in India, which is resulting in the various opening of the gyms and many more startups relating to the fitness industry.

The major startups that are being seen in India relating to the fitness Industry are:

v Organic food sales.
v Gym wear. (fitness or exercise related clothes)
v Many different group classes like Zumba, aerobic, functional training, fat-loss programs etc.
v Nutritional consultant. (New trend)
v Freelancing personal trainer. (New trend)
v Online training.
v Healthy diet food catering services.
v Establishment of International gyms.
v Rise of you-tubers
Today fitness word of India has become very interesting and very trending. Many different institutions and businesses are getting evolved which are fitness related.

Many different start-ups has been initiated with in inclusion of small gyms to international gyms like Gold’s gym which started at 2002 from Mumbai by G. Ramachandaran and now which is being operated in all the major cities of India. Besides that we also have many other big market player in fitness Industry in India.