Saturday 13 October 2018

Expansion of the Fitness Industry in India

Expansion of the Fitness Industry in India

Fitness is one the significant aspects of all human beings considering from lower class to upper class. It has always been a priority to the people directly or indirectly. By mentioning fitness here I am not only trying to cover the part of the physical exercise or only performing heavy weight training by going to the gym, by fitness priorities I mean to cover overall wellness of the people including the nutrition consumption, exercise, meditation, different aerobic exercise etc. Everything that relates to the overall well-being of the people that helps in maintaining the sound peace of mind with both physical and mental exercise. Eating healthy food and performing exercise has been a very challenging thing to do in these modern rush life but people somehow indulge in it. In the modern days, fitness has become a very monumental word to the people in all over the world as the availability of organic food is less and the consumption of the food like junk food, hybrid food, usage of pesticides in the food has been increased.

From young to adult and from adult to old age people in India are going through the problem of obesity, due to which fitness has become the important priority to the people in order to maintain the physical and mental wellness. Fitness has evolved rapidly in India starting with the major consciousness in the health.

India’s fitness history is very interesting as the fitness as evolved from local “akharas”  to a proper professional gym as the foreign countries are having.
India being an agricultural countrymen use to get fit by working on the farm so they use to make them physically fit by burning a lot of calories in the sun. This sort of fit farmers was also chosen for the soldiers back in the times. Festival and rituals also use to make Indians travel through much long distance where people use to build up a lot of stamina back.

The maximum demand for the fitness industry is happening in the major city of India like Bangalore, Delhi, Mumbai along with major startup related in the fitness industry. This fitness enthusiasm is not only limited to the youngsters now, but it has been given priority by the mid-age people as well as housewives as the problem of diabetes and obesity is been increasing in people. People are trying to stay healthy and fit from all the way they can to maintain themselves in this busy and hectic life.

If we talk about the ongoing modern days in Indian fitness it's not only about the problem of obesity and health issues, different influence of western culture to the youth a has compelled them to go to the gym to stay on the proper shape and have a good body physique. The movie industry has also a very huge role in fitness rise in India. Now days if we see the movies we can see most of the actors and actress are coming up with the very good shape of their body due to which the youth these days want to look alike them, due to all these factors fitness has become a kind of trend in India, which is resulting in the various opening of the gyms and many more startups relating to the fitness industry.

The major startups that are being seen in India relating to the fitness Industry are:

v Organic food sales.
v Gym wear. (fitness or exercise related clothes)
v Many different group classes like Zumba, aerobic, functional training, fat-loss programs etc.
v Nutritional consultant. (New trend)
v Freelancing personal trainer. (New trend)
v Online training.
v Healthy diet food catering services.
v Establishment of International gyms.
v Rise of you-tubers
Today fitness word of India has become very interesting and very trending. Many different institutions and businesses are getting evolved which are fitness related.

Many different start-ups has been initiated with in inclusion of small gyms to international gyms like Gold’s gym which started at 2002 from Mumbai by G. Ramachandaran and now which is being operated in all the major cities of India. Besides that we also have many other big market player in fitness Industry in India.


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