About me

My name is Amit Sharma a fitness enthusiast and a certified fitness trainer from Gold’s Gym. I started my fitness journey 2 years back after stepping into a completely new city Bangalore to overcome the problem of obesity I was going through. The main reason for me to be in Bangalore was for my post graduation studies in International Business Mangement at Jain University.
After stepping in the fitness world my life took a new turn which I always call it a magical turn of life. I started visualizing the world in a different way which I was never able to see before. The early sunshine rays, the early morning darkness, the enthusiasm and the dedication of the people for the overall wellness this was different which made me feel I was missing something in my life before. But without any regression, I started being consistent in my exercise to change myself and to shape up my body. Slowly after a few months of continuity, I started seeing some difference within me which gave me more motivation and with that motivation, it has to lead me to become a certified trainer. Because I started feeling I can educate people with my fitness experience. Though I am not a professional fitness athlete I have that positivity about fitness which gave me a push to explore the fitness, exercise, food, and nutrition along with the fitness industry more. And so I chose this path to spread my knowledge to share my experience with the people through this blog by providing a very fresh and informative content.

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